Established in 2014, the objective of the Jadibuti Association of Branch office Surkhet Nepal (JABAN) is to make sustainable use of the country resources and provide necessary support to the rural community for producing and marketing quality products. JABAN is committed to be attentive for making maximum use of raw materials to produce consumer goods and support entrepreneurs, by bringing together manufacturers, importers, exporters, dealers, suppliers and service providers, policy makers and consultant in one platform, which provides direct support to the communities related to the Non Timber Forest Products. Likewise, the association has initiated introduction of herbal resources in the National and International market.
Eligibility of Membership
- Candidate has to be citizen of Nepal
- He must be involved in collection, cultivation, trade or uses of NTFPs
- Any individual, firm, company or organisation involve in trade of NTFPs, recognized by Government of Nepal, can be member of this association.
- Any individual related to trade or research of NTFPs can be member of this association if he has experience of minimum 10 years and is certified by his organisation.
- Any individual involved in collection, nursery or cultivation of NTFP for minimum 5 years, can be member of this association. -In such case, certificate of VDC from where candidate hails is mandatory.
- Minimum age limit of membership is 16 • For membership, candidate has to pay mandatory fee.